Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm going to Shanghai!

Yesterday, in the midst of celebrating Joanne's 21st birthday, great news came in a really small package named Tiffy. My confirmation to Shanghai!

I was really worried about my GIP - China internship. Who wouldn't? Barely a month away from when you are supposed to leave, you are yet to get confirmation? I was due to go Vietnam next Wednesday and was really really worried about not getting confirmed by then. How am I supposed to check my email in Vietnam. Hello?! Plus, all the worries of shitty companies with ah-Ts with bad breath? urggghh! Hee. But now, I can go Vietnam in peace! ;)

Honestly then, I didn't care whether I got Beijing or Shanghai. I just wanted a good company. And I kind of think I deserve a good company? After all, everyone in school got really great jobs. So, I really thank God for giving me Shanghai Daily. And I trust that Faith and I were separated for a good reason.

Anyway, I will not be able to blog on blogspot from China. Unless through some alternative means. Big deal. Like I blog much.

But I will blog more in China I suppose? Since there's no more frequent late night suppers with the girl and Mr Allen, no overnight mahjong sessions followed by the supposedly bad kueh chup, no annoying Daryl and his weird phrases?, no more solving mummy's daily massive OVERsupply of food, no more ghostly Jill-appearing-in-my-room talks... And who will teach me how to put make-up for work? Who will spoon-shop me, especially those Tuesday spend wildly days?

Sighs. But then again, there will be so many more fresh things and experiences. Little old Laine seems to be getting resistant to changes. Tsktsk. Got to move along in this everchanging world man. Who knows I may enjoy myself so much I wouldn't wanna come back?

Let's see! :)

ps, I'll really miss you girls!


JaSm|n said...

I'll miss you like crazy... Can you not go?

I'll be so alone in SG...

You'll be gone to Shanghai then Mich will be gone to Switzerland.. Jenna will go back to NZ... SH will be working if not will be with Jon.. Geok aka the pangseh Queen will be interning...

What am I to do? I kinda feel lost now alr... I cant imagine that I i will be companionless for 6 months!!

Don't go!! Don't leave me all alone in SG!!

Geok said...

ah kee.. dont make u feel so bad leh!! i will make time for u! anyway, elaine, u can still access blogspot by using proxy servers, if not u wont be able to read our blogs too!